Sunday, March 3, 2013


I made three mistakes yesterday.

1) I tried to only take regular Tylenol.

2) I drove (literally down the street) to my much needed hair appointment.

3) I slept in my bed instead of the recliner on the couch.

Ow.  Ow.  Ow.  Ow.

Yeah, I know.  I shouldn't have done that!  And believe me, I'm paying for it.  Yesterday evening I finally gave in and took a whole Percocet.  That, of course, meant I fell asleep on the couch, sitting up, even though I kept telling Chris I *really* was watching TV.

Driving to my appointment was fine, but after all morning with no real painkillers, the drive home was interesting.  My chest was killing me by the time I got home and the place I get my hair done is really down the street.  (For my Vegas friends, please ask a small town person what the real definition of "down the street" is, because it doesn't mean 'I live at 95 and Rainbow and only have to go down the street to get to the mall.)  BUT!!!  My hair looks fabulous...well, it will once I actually have the strength to do it!

I got my highlights re-done and had Amy add in a few darker ones, in case you were wondering.

As for sleeping on my bed, it felt great for my back!  I think it was the first time that I was able to completely stretch it out.  The girls, however, were not too thrilled.  I was able to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, but woke up in pain.  I usually sleep kind of on my stomach and kind of on my side and obviously, that's not happening right now.  I either had to sleep on my back or kind of on my side propped up with a pillow.

Chris had to go back to work today (I was lucky to have him for as long as I did!!) which meant I was home with the kids.  Cooper was being (mostly) good and Kade wasn't being bad just...a typical one year old boy?  Before Chris even left for work, Kade had successfully emptied four decks of cards and two sets of dominoes and threw them (literally) all over the living room.

I made it through a gourmet breakfast of cereal and toast before I called my mother-in-law in tears.  Two minutes later, she was walking in the front door to screams of "Yaya!  Yaya!!"  Cooper has called her Yaya since he started talking and it stuck.  She got the kids dressed, grabbed their very full dirty clothes hamper, and took them all to her house for the day.  I was so exhausted in that hour and a half that I had them on my own, I immediately sat down on the couch and fell asleep...sitting up.

As for a compare and contrast, I thought I would go off my first recovery post from the other day and do a quick update on each area.

Tight - Nothing has really changed in this department.  Things are still really tight on the sides and top.

Swollen - I'm noticing a little more swelling on the sides.  I didn't think I ordered side boobs, too!!  Everything is still really high.

Backaches - Getting MUCH better!  My upper back is still hurting a little bit, but my lower back feels "much more better" as Cooper would say.

Medicine - Back on the Percocet.  I'm still trying to stick with just a half of a pill a few times a day, only taking it when I need it and not on a schedule like I was right after surgery.

Moving - Moving around a lot better, especially with my arms.  I showered yesterday and was able to wash and dry my hair on my own without much trouble.  I just have to move slowly and ease into it.  My boobs will move a bit with some pressure, so it seems like the muscles are starting to relax a bit.

Appetite - As long as I don't let the pain get out of control, my appetite is back.  I have been careful on what I'm eating though because I notice a lot of unhealthy things are making me bloated and uncomfortable quickly.  I think the first thing I really wanted after surgery was salad, more specifically just the lettuce.  So, I've been eating a lot of that.

Things I still can't do:
*Cough without sounding like an old man
*Sneeze - well, I haven't had the need to and I hope I don't for a while - OW!
*Raise my arms above my head (although my range of motion is getting much better!!)
*Wear a normal bra (Sports bras ftw!)

I'm set to go back to work tomorrow and still have every intention of going in (for at least a few hours), but I'll reevaluate tonight and see if that will even be a possibility.  Luckily, my job isn't too demanding physically so I think I'll be ok.

1 comment:

  1. What did I tell you about the pain meds, missy?!?!? SHAME SHAME! :) Hope you learned your lesson. I'll come visit if you come to work.
