Wednesday, March 13, 2013

First Post Op Appointment & Two Weeks Post Op

Where the heck have I been???  Holy cow.  Between going back to work, school, a sick kid (yes, just one so far), and just normal life, I haven't had the time (or energy) to post.

I went to lunch with my in-laws, Cooper, and Kade on Sunday (Chris was at work) and saw a friend with her family (including her adorable daughter -- I need a girl!....anyway....).  She excused herself from her family with the explanation of something along the lines of "I'm going to go tell Lindsay that her boobs look good".  She said they told her not to do that and her reply was "C''s Lindsay!  She'll love it."  And I did.  It made my day.  So, thank you.  :)

The point of this story -- don't be afraid of telling me anything like that to my face.  I paid a lot of money for these.  Haha.  I won't get offended.  Just don't make it weird.


My post op appointment was pretty short and to the point.  We got there a half hour early and I wasn't in the waiting room but two minutes before they called me back.  Love when that happens!

I changed into the robe and took a real look at them..  Whoa.  Doc came in and took a quick look -- said everything looked fine.  I personally think they look ridiculous, more on that later.

He had me lay down flat on my back which was slightly difficult.  It was the first time I had laid down flat since the night I tried to sleep in my own bed...and it wasn't much different.  I tried to hide the pain in my face, but don't think I was able to because the doc chuckled.  I really enjoyed finally being able to stretch out my back and shoulders, but the pain in my chest was not my favorite.  On a scale of one to ten, it was probably a five (or a solid one thumb up -- haha JEN!).

Then, he showed me the "massage" that I have to do ten times a day for ten seconds each time.  And by "massage" I definitely mean to use those quotes.  I thought it'd be similar to a back massage which means it would feel good.  Negative.  I have to push the top of the implant down to stretch out the muscle and skin below.  Ow.  I have to say that a week later, it doesn't hurt quite as bad, but still...ow.  Not a comfy feeling.

Once that was done, he had his intern/med student/whatever change the bandages on my incisions and clean it up a bit.  Talk about a slightly awkward situation.  Here is a guy that I don't know about 8 inches away from my bare chest while my husband is there holding my hand (taking the steri-strips off stung a little and I'm a huge wimp).  It ended up not taking very long and we were out of there about the time my appointment was scheduled to start.  I go back on April 8 for another check up.

In the past week, a lot has changed.  Work is getting much, much easier!!  I made it a full day on Thursday and then went in for a half day on Friday to make up for some of the hours I missed earlier in the week.  I was able to work all this week (so far) at my full 9 hour days -- with the exception of today, but that wasn't my fault.  (Kade is sick!  No fun.)

Alright, now for the list....

Tight - Things have definitely relaxed a lot since last week.  My right breast feels tighter than my left and it also looks like it is sitting up a bit higher.  You may notice it in the pics at the end of the post.  My Google searches have told me that a lot of other women have experienced this, especially in their dominate side (I am right-handed), so I'm not too worried about it...yet.

Swelling - Swelling has gone down a lot.  Still a bit on the tops and more on the right than the left.

Backaches - No more, unless I start slouching.  Having a breast augmentation has actually forced me to have better posture I think.

Medicine - Completely off everything.  I took Tylenol off and on until about Friday - so 10 days post op.

Moving - Almost back to normal.  I am still a little sore, but only notice it when I reach up high for something.  It's more of an ache like I just worked out and totally bearable. 

Appetite - Yep, it's back.  Completely.

I am still only wearing a sports bra.  I ended up buying another one at Target last week and I bought a large.  I probably should have gone with an extra large... :-\  I'm not used to that!!!  Before, a small was too big.  I'm excited to go get measured for new bras though.  No idea when I can start wearing them, but right now...I don't really need to.  These things do not need any extra support to push them up.  They're doing pretty good on their own.

So, as far as looks.  They're ginormous.  And the other day I think I realized why they look so funny to me.  It looks like they're smashed.  Like someone has their hand pushed up against them so I have permanent cleavage.  I've never really had cleavage.  So, maybe it's a combination of looking funny and me not being used to it.  I am not upset with this because I know they will not look like this forever.  Once they relax and drop to where they are supposed to be, they will look much better. are a couple pictures....
They are unedited (sadface!) because my free trial has run out on Lightroom and I haven't had a chance to purchase the full version yet.

Just as a reminder, this was my before picture.

And after - two weeks post op 3.12.13
In this one, you can see the different between my right (your left) and my left (your right).
Confused yet?

You can see the difference here, too.  My right (closest to the wall)is sitting higher than my left.

This picture makes them not look so different, but there is still a difference (at least to me).
Also, ignore the funny look on my face....


  1. HOLY CRAP! You have bOObs!!!! Nice. It's going to be weird to see them in person next week but I'm excited. (Things I never thought I'd say to my sister? Ha.) Get ready to experience boob sweat this summer! The joys of bOObies.

    As far the post, my favorite thing ever was how you DIDN'T put an S on anyway. I love you.

  2. Holy Bazoombas, Batman! :) They look good. I'll have to come down and visit so I can see them live and in person.

