Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pre-op Appointment

So, my pre-op appointment was February 11th.  Chris had to work, so I made the drive over to Reno by myself.  For some reason, I was super nervous before going back to see the doctor. I finally went back and had to wait in the room for a while.  I got bored waiting by myself and took a few of these:


They had really nice robes (I wanted to steal it).  I getting even more nervous and then in walked the doctor...and a 4th year med student...who was male...and cute.  It was slightly awkward because I had to have my "before" pictures taken.  But I survived!  The doc talked to me a little more in detail about the surgery and what I would need to do/not do before surgery (i.e. no meds that will thin my blood -- which meant no Advil, or EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE!).

The doctor told me that I would probably not like him much after the surgery is over because it would look like I shoved two basketballs underneath my shirt.  I told him I can't eat or have a Mocha before surgery so I won't like him much before either.

The pre-op appointment was quick and I didn't have as many questions because I had almost all of them answered in my consultation.  Now it was just a waiting game for surgery day!

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