Friday, February 22, 2013

And so it begins...

So, I've been wanting to document my surgery and recovery from beginning to end for my own benefit and also to help anyone else curious about the whole process.  I have been googling every possible combination of words that would equate to "what to expect before, during, and after a breast augmentation" and I really couldn't find anything that gave me all the nitty, gritty, TMI information that I wanted.  Or how they were feeling - like really feeling.  I watched a lot of vlogs on YouTube and read a lot of blogs and I was tired of hearing "I'm just a little sore and tired."  Ok, how sore?  Where are you sore?  BE SPECIFIC!!!  I want specifics... 

And I plan on being a specific.  And descriptive.  And open.  And if that offends you, you probably shouldn't keep reading this blog. 

To ease your mind a little (or make you a little sad depending on who you are), I will not be posting any pictures that I wouldn't show my sister.  Scratch that.  I will not be posting any pictures that I wouldn't show my brothers.  Everything that should be, will be completely covered.

So, anyway... (No 'S' just for you, Jen)....

Why?  That is one of the most common questions that I get.  Why do you want to get a breast augmentation?

Because I want to.  Me.  Myself.  And I.  I WANT TO!!  Yes, I am aware of the risks.  Yes, I realize I will eventually have to have another surgery.  Yes, yes, yes.  I know.  I have probably spent more time looking at boobs online than the average 15 year old boy.

I am totally ok with people asking me questions about it, but don't try to talk me out of it.  Or tell me all the horror stories like you're trying to scare me out of it.  You don't have to support me, because the people who matter most to me are already taking that on (however, I will not turn away more support!  -- Boob joke...did you get it???).  But please respect my decision.  That's all I ask.

More to come in the coming days before surgery...yeah, days.  I am down to the wire (underwire??).  Surgery is Tuesday.  *minor freakout*  But, seriously, it's after midnight and I have kids that like to wake up before the sun.


  1. Augmentation means that you're getting bigger boobs right? Did having kids affect your boobs at all and your decision to do this? I'm nervous for my boobs since they were big before, but now even bigger being pregnant that I might want to do breast reduction later, so I don't have saggy boobs. I'm glad you're writing about this! I was so curious to know more when you first posted something on facebook about doing it. Hope the recovery goes well!

    1. Hey Em! I forgot to reply to this! Yes, bigger and for me, having kids didn't absolutely nothing for my boobs. It sucked because it didn't make them bigger at all, but it was nice because they didn't get saggy after either. My sister's got even bigger when she got pregnant and was nursing. We've always joked about doing a boob transplant -- they can take some of hers and give them to me. haha. But, wait and see what happens after you are done breastfeeding, because I've heard some women say that theirs decreased in size after their milk dried up.

  2. I wish pregnancy boobs stayed! My boobs are out of proportion for my body. Like bras fit weird... I have wide shoulders, hips, and ribs but A boobs. Yes, A. When I was pregnant, I was a B and loved it. They went away. I am finished having kids and working on my body. Thanks for sharing all the info Linds, I have looked into it for a while but like you said, not a lot of specifics. My mom had an augmentation and I wasn't impressed with her recovery but that was years ago. You're far braver than I to do this with such young kids! You must have amazing support and that's amazing. <3 wishing you a smooth and quick recovery and looking forward to your boob details :)
