Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pre-op Appointment

So, my pre-op appointment was February 11th.  Chris had to work, so I made the drive over to Reno by myself.  For some reason, I was super nervous before going back to see the doctor. I finally went back and had to wait in the room for a while.  I got bored waiting by myself and took a few of these:


They had really nice robes (I wanted to steal it).  I getting even more nervous and then in walked the doctor...and a 4th year med student...who was male...and cute.  It was slightly awkward because I had to have my "before" pictures taken.  But I survived!  The doc talked to me a little more in detail about the surgery and what I would need to do/not do before surgery (i.e. no meds that will thin my blood -- which meant no Advil, or EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE!).

The doctor told me that I would probably not like him much after the surgery is over because it would look like I shoved two basketballs underneath my shirt.  I told him I can't eat or have a Mocha before surgery so I won't like him much before either.

The pre-op appointment was quick and I didn't have as many questions because I had almost all of them answered in my consultation.  Now it was just a waiting game for surgery day!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My consultation

I started saving a while ago and finally had the money to go ahead and do it.  I searched around for a while and looked at several (at least 10-15) plastic surgeons online in northern California and Nevada until I finally found one in Reno that I liked (Dr. James Murphy, MD, FACS, AMM).  I checked his license status and disciplinary record at the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners.  Active license and no black marks on his record.  That was a good start!  I looked at his website ( and was looking for a few main things:

1) Board certified plastic surgeon (check)
2) Surgery performed in a hospital (check)
3) Surgery performed with a board certified anesthesiologist (check)
4) Good "after" photos (check)

I spent a lot of time cruising around his website trying to get as much information as I could.  Once I felt comfortable that he could be a good fit for me, I filled out their online form to schedule a consultation.  The next day I received an email from his staff and a follow up phone call that afternoon.  The lady I talked to was professional and was not pushy at all, but I also was not wishy-washy on what I wanted.  I scheduled the consultation for December 3.

The day of the consultation I was so darn excited!  Chris went with me because he is usually a good judge of people and I wanted a second opinion.  I wouldn't make my decision about using a certain doctor until I met with him.  The office was nice and the receptionist was professional and friendly.  So far, so good.

It felt like forever, but I was finally called back.  I had to undress from waist up and was given a really nice white robe to wrap up in for the time being.  Dr. Murphy came in and was impressive.  He answered all of my questions (and if you know me, I ask a LOT) and never made me feel like I was wasting his time.  He wasn't in a rush to get to his next patient; it was like he came in that day just for me.  He took a brief look at "the girls" and somehow made it feel like it really wasn't all that weird that this man I just met is basically feeling me up in front of my husband.

After the consultation with the doctor, we went in to talk to Megan about the financial end of things.  Once we got all of our information, I pretty much knew that I wanted Dr. Murphy to do the surgery, but still wanted to sleep on it and talk to Chris just to be sure.  And sure enough, a few days later I called the office and scheduled the surgery for February 26!

Which is in two days.

Two days!!  Two.  More.  Days.

I was up until after one am (which is super late for me) the night of my first post because I seriously was googling way too much.  Luckily, I have a very nice (to me) friend who is a nurse (thanks Megan!!) and she answered a couple of my questions.

My main worries (at the moment) were...

1) Would I have to have a tube down my throat during surgery?

and most importantly...

2) Would they give me something to calm my nerves before surgery?

Her answers made me feel better:

1) Yes, but I won't remember it going in or coming out.

2) Yes, and if they don't, I can ask for it.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day waiting in anticipation of surgery the next day.  I have work 730-5 and then I'll have an hour to make sure that everything is all ready to go because we leave for Reno when Chris gets off work at 6.  Hopefully I can get one more pre-surgery post in, but if not... I'll be back after surgery!

Friday, February 22, 2013

And so it begins...

So, I've been wanting to document my surgery and recovery from beginning to end for my own benefit and also to help anyone else curious about the whole process.  I have been googling every possible combination of words that would equate to "what to expect before, during, and after a breast augmentation" and I really couldn't find anything that gave me all the nitty, gritty, TMI information that I wanted.  Or how they were feeling - like really feeling.  I watched a lot of vlogs on YouTube and read a lot of blogs and I was tired of hearing "I'm just a little sore and tired."  Ok, how sore?  Where are you sore?  BE SPECIFIC!!!  I want specifics... 

And I plan on being a specific.  And descriptive.  And open.  And if that offends you, you probably shouldn't keep reading this blog. 

To ease your mind a little (or make you a little sad depending on who you are), I will not be posting any pictures that I wouldn't show my sister.  Scratch that.  I will not be posting any pictures that I wouldn't show my brothers.  Everything that should be, will be completely covered.

So, anyway... (No 'S' just for you, Jen)....

Why?  That is one of the most common questions that I get.  Why do you want to get a breast augmentation?

Because I want to.  Me.  Myself.  And I.  I WANT TO!!  Yes, I am aware of the risks.  Yes, I realize I will eventually have to have another surgery.  Yes, yes, yes.  I know.  I have probably spent more time looking at boobs online than the average 15 year old boy.

I am totally ok with people asking me questions about it, but don't try to talk me out of it.  Or tell me all the horror stories like you're trying to scare me out of it.  You don't have to support me, because the people who matter most to me are already taking that on (however, I will not turn away more support!  -- Boob joke...did you get it???).  But please respect my decision.  That's all I ask.

More to come in the coming days before surgery...yeah, days.  I am down to the wire (underwire??).  Surgery is Tuesday.  *minor freakout*  But, seriously, it's after midnight and I have kids that like to wake up before the sun.